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The American Police State - FISA, FBI, NSA and the list goes on

The American Police State

  • The GOP in Congress claims they are "outraged" about unconstitutional spying on President Trump. Meanwhile both parties eagerly support, expand and fund unconstitutional on all American citizens.

(Fox News)  -  Friday was Memo Day.
Fox News Judicial analyst Judge Napolitano joined Tom Shillue hours after President Trump made the Nunes-GOP memo public.
Napolitano was troubled that the memo suggests that lawyers arguing on behalf of the government may have omitted vital information to get a surveillance warrant on an American.
The Nunes memo alleges that the FISA court was not told that the now infamous Dossier, which was used to justify spying on Trump campaign officials like Carter Page, was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Judge disputed pundits who claimed the FISA court has a threshold when it comes to allowing surveillance. Napolitano called the court a "rubber stamp".
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Judge Napolitano On NSA Spying

Both parties are taking away our freedoms. Judge Napolitano interview from 2013 and it has only gotten worse.

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden:

'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'

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