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Pro-Communist Rap Music Pushed in China

I'll take the Russian version over
Chinese Communist Rap

China’s state media outlets have launched a new initiative to promote “rap with Chinese characteristics” after popular Chinese rapper PG One was forced to apologize this week for releasing songs that did not promote “core values” in the communist dictatorship.

PG One, who became nationally famous after appearing on the program The Rap of China, was forced to apologize for a 2015 song after government media highlighted its lyrics, which refer to cocaine use and non-consensual sexual interactions with a woman. The rapper blamed “black music” for his lyrics and promised to better adhere to the “core values” of Communist China in the future.

The incident appears to have triggered a debate within the state-run newspaper Global Times, which published an article promoting “patriotic” rap music on Monday, but followed it up with an opinion piece concluding that hip-hop cannot flourish in China because it is a music born of oppression, and Chinese communists are not oppressed. 

The “patriotic” rap group featured in the positive article, CD Rev, became famous for a propaganda song called “This Is China” and have also published songs that include profanity and racist, misogynistic lyrics. Unlike PG One, however, CD Rev’s racism is reserved for white people, and their misogyny for Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen.

“China hopes to transform local hip-hop into a positive influence but will punish those who cross the line,” the Global Times reported Monday. The article claims that most Chinese “applauded” the Communist Party banning dozens of rap songs it considered detrimental to the communist agenda in 2015 because Chinese people see “hip-hop culture” as “foreign and even inferior to them.” All is not lost, however, according to the newspaper, because of the rapping communists in CD Rev, who themselves took to social media to criticize PG One.

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