Terminator hasn't had the best of luck with it's modern day installments. The third one did decently at the box office, but Terminator: Salvation disappointed in 2009. Now, a new movie attempts to take the franchise in a new direction. by recasting most of the well-known characters from the original and bring Arnold Schwarzenegger back to the franchise. That film is Terminator: Genisys, and the first trailer for it just dropped, and you can catch it below.
Um.....yeah, that doesn't look too good. Not bad mind you, but right off the bat, the post-apocalyptic action seems so reminiscent of Terminator: Salvation (which I never saw, but adored the marketing for) one could be totally forgiven for thinking it was a direct sequel to that film. Jai Courtney having such a high presence in the film doesn't help matters, nor is the fact that the film doesn't seem to be doing anything new or different.
We've still got a liquid robot, we've still got the movies iconic catchphrases (though Emile Clarke says "Come With Me If You Want To Live" this time around. Like father like daughter I suppose?). Toss in a creepy shot of CGI Ah-nold at the very end, plus the fact that it uses the same music from the Nightcrawler trailer (which was so effective, chilling and well incorporated there, whereas here it sort of just comes off as forgettable) and you've got yourself what looks like a super underwhelming movie. Maybe the final product will be much better (wouldn't be the first time a good film got a crappy trailer) but oh boy is this is a clunker of a trailer.